Target Market Determination | RMBL Mortgage Investments

What is a Target Market Determination (TMD)?

A TMD is a document that sets out the class of consumers for which the RMBL Mortgage Income Investments Scheme (Fund) is likely to be suitable for, having regard to the consumer’s objectives, financial situation and needs and the key attributes of the Fund.

The TMD also sets out the class of consumers for which the Fund is likely to not be suited for by way of an Excluded Target Market.

The TMD should be read in conjunction with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the Fund as it is not intended to replace the PDS.

Why does RMBL have a TMD?

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations and Product Intervention Powers) Act 2019 inserted obligations into the Corporations Act requiring financial product providers to define a Target Market in a TMD for their financial product and to publish the TMD on their website.

The Design and Distribution Obligations require financial product providers to take a consumer centric approach to designing and distributing financial products. RMBL involved a sub-set of its Investors in the design of our TMD to make sure it was relevant and as easy to understand as we could make.

Have questions about the TMD?

Please call (03) 9213 5700 to speak to someone in our Investments Team or email the Team at

Target Market Determination Document to be downloaded here